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Caique Gonçalves - Stats and titles won - 2025
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Caique Gonçalves

Born on :  October 10, 1995 (29 years)
Nationality  : Brazil 
  •  Caique Gonçalves

Current season statistics (2025)

0 Impacting goals 0 Goals
0 Impacting assists 0 Assists
0 Played matches 0 Minutes played
0 Yellow cards 0 Red cards
Main position
Second striker0%


Caique Gonçalves

Caique de Jesus Gonçalves

Caique Gonçalves's career statisticsLast updated on 01/03/2025 at 09:06

SeasonClubLeagueContinentNat. cupsInternationalTotal
tier Games Games played Goals for goals Assists ass. Efficiency eff. Games Games played Goals for goals Assists ass. Efficiency eff. Games Games played Goals for goals Assists ass. Efficiency eff. Games Games played Goals for goals Assists ass. Efficiency eff. Games Games played Goals for goals Assists ass. Efficiency eff.
2025 Juventude1
2024 Juventude1171734
Club Competition Games Goals forAssistsEfficiency
Juventude Campeonato Gaucho 12
Juventude Copa do Brasil 5
Juventude Série A 17
2023 Ceará22020113694012677
Club Competition Games Goals forAssistsEfficiency
Ceará Campeonato Cearense 9
Ceará Copa do Nordeste 91685
Ceará Copa do Brasil 2
Ceará Série B 20
2022 Ituano22626
Club Competition Games Goals forAssistsEfficiency
Ituano Série B 26
2021 Portuguesa
2020/2021 Portuguesa
2020 Portuguesa
2019 Ferroviária
2018 Ferroviária
2017 Portuguesa
2016 Portuguesa39110
Club Competition Games Goals forAssistsEfficiency
Portuguesa Copa do Brasil 1
Portuguesa Série C 9
2015 Portuguesa333
Club Competition Games Goals forAssistsEfficiency
Portuguesa Copa do Brasil 1
Portuguesa Campeonato Paulista 2
The data represented with this background color are not complete. The figures may not reflect reality.



Player's evolution

*The FBDB Index is an automatically engineered figure based on player's statistical performances during each game he is involved in.

Player's titles


Copa do Nordeste 1logo Ceará2023


Campeonato Cearense 1logo Ceará2023
Campeonato Gaucho 1logo Juventude2024


15/12/23 > Juventude
01/01/23 > 15/12/23 Ceará
08/04/22 > 01/01/23 Ituano
01/01/22 > 08/04/22 Agua Santa
01/01/20 > 01/01/22 Portuguesa
01/05/19 > 01/01/20 Ferroviária
01/01/19 > 01/05/19 Sertãozinho
01/01/18 > 01/01/19 Ferroviária
01/01/15 > 01/01/18 Portuguesa

Player career by clubLast updated on 01/03/2025 at 09:06

Club Games Played matches Goals for Goals Assists Assists Efficiency Efficiency Minutes played Minutes played Yellow cards Yellow cards Red cards Red cards Match starts Match starts V Victories L Losses
logo Agua Santa Agua Santa1018008002100%1030%350%5
logo Ceará Ceará4012677267713173%2948%1928%11
logo Ferroviária Ferroviária427175%325%125%1
logo Ituano Ituano272110893%2541%1133%9
logo Juventude Juventude3426161197%3338%1329%10
logo Portuguesa Portuguesa13677454%723%354%7

Results with or without him

Season Club When present When absent Influence
v l Total v l Total
2025 Juventude 0% 0% 0 60% 30% 10 -
2024 Juventude 38% 29% 34 25% 39% 28 Positive
2023 Ceará 48% 28% 40 38% 33% 21 Slightly positive
2022 Ituano 41% 33% 27 36% 18% 11 Slightly positive
2021 Portuguesa 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 -
2020/2021 Portuguesa 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 -
2020 Portuguesa 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 -
2019 Ferroviária 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 -
2018 Ferroviária 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 -
2017 Portuguesa 0% 0% 0 50% 50% 2 -
2016 Portuguesa 20% 60% 10 25% 67% 12 Slightly negative
2015 Portuguesa 33% 33% 3 31% 40% 35 -

Key figures

Goals for
He hasn't scored at home in non-league and non-national team competition for 2250 minutes.
icon stats
Caique Gonçalves hasn't lost in non-league and non-national team competition any of the last 19 at home matches
Goals for
The player hasn't scored in non-league and non-national team competition for 1767 minutes.
Goals for
Caique Gonçalves hasn't scored away from home in non-league and non-national team competition for 867 minutes.
Goals for
He hasn't scored at home all competitions included for 5580 minutes.
Match starts
Caique Gonçalves has played in the first 11 all competitions included in each of the last 21 at home matches
Goals for
Caique Gonçalves hasn't scored all competitions included for 5097 minutes.
Match starts
He has played in the first 11 all competitions included in each of the last 26 matches
Goals for
He hasn't scored away from home all competitions included for 2307 minutes.
Match starts
The player has played in the first 11 all competitions included in each of the last 11 away from home matches
Goals for
Caique Gonçalves hasn't scored at home in Série A for 900 minutes.
Goals for
He hasn't scored in Série A for 1530 minutes.
Match starts
The player has played in the first 11 in Série A in each of the last 17 matches
icon stats
Caique Gonçalves hasn't won in Série A any of the last 4 matches
Goals for
Caique Gonçalves hasn't scored away from home in Série A for 630 minutes.
icon stats
He has lost in Série A the last 6 away from home matches
icon stats
The player hasn't won in Série A any of the last 7 away from home matches

First times

Date Competition Games Score First times


04/03/2015 Copa do Brasil Santos Macapá - Portuguesa 1 - 3 First match with the club, first victory
09/04/2015 CP São Paulo - Portuguesa 3 - 0 First start, first loss


11/03/2018 PI Ponte Preta - Ferroviária 0 - 0 First match with the club
18/03/2018 TI Ferroviária - Ponte Preta 0 - 2 First start, first loss
24/03/2018 TI Ferroviária - Red Bull 3 - 1 First victory

Agua Santa

26/01/2022 Campeonato Paulista Agua Santa - São Bernardo 0 - 1 First match with the club, first start, first loss
12/02/2022 Campeonato Paulista Botafogo SP - Agua Santa 0 - 2 First victory
25/03/2022 TI Mirassol - Agua Santa 0 - 1 First goal


21/05/2022 Série B Operário PR - Ituano 3 - 2 First match with the club, first loss
04/06/2022 Série B Tombense - Ituano 2 - 1 First start
11/06/2022 Série B Brusque - Ituano 0 - 1 First victory


15/01/2023 Campeonato Cearense Guarani CE - Ceará 0 - 5 First match with the club, first start, first victory
22/01/2023 Copa do Nordeste Ferroviário CE - Ceará 3 - 0 First loss
29/03/2023 Copa do Nordeste Fortaleza - Ceará 2 - 3 First goal
02/06/2023 SB Ceará - Chapecoense 2 - 0 First red card


20/01/2024 Campeonato Gaucho Santa Cruz RS - Juventude 0 - 1 First match with the club, first start, first victory
27/01/2024 Campeonato Gaucho São José RS - Juventude 1 - 0 First loss

Player's career by competitionLast updated on 01/03/2025 at 09:06

Competition Games Played matches Goals for Goals Efficiency Efficiency Assists Assists Own goals Own goals Minutes played Minutes played Match starts Match starts Yellow cards Yellow cards Red cards Red cards V Victories D Draws L Losses
Série A Série A171422100%1729%529%541%7
Copa do Brasil Copa do Brasil950767%656%544%4
Campeonato Paulista Campeonato Paulista1178482%918%227%355%6
Campeonato Gaucho Campeonato Gaucho12889100%1242%533%425%3
Campeonato Cearense Campeonato Cearense950456%556%533%311%1
Copa do Nordeste Copa do Nordeste9168568589%867%611%122%2
CPTI Campeonato Paulista - Troféu do Interior51377377100%540%240%220%1
Série B Série B47341883%39138%1826%1236%17
Série C Série C956567%622%211%167%6

Player's results for each season

Season Club Tier Rk. pts MP V D L GF GA
2024 Juventude 1 15 45 38 11 12 15 48 59
2023 Ceará 2 11 50 36 13 11 12 38 39
2022 Ituano 2 6 57 38 15 12 11 42 34
2016 Portuguesa 3 9 14 19 4 2 13 14 28
2015 Portuguesa 3 2 30 18 9 3 6 30 23

Last games

Date Competition Round Team 1 Score Team 2 Score Minutes played Goals for Own goals Assists Yellow cards Red cards
December 08, 202408/12Série ARound 38Juventude0 - 1CruzeiroAbsent
December 04, 202404/12Série ARound 37São Paulo1 - 2JuventudeAbsent
November 26, 202426/11Série ARound 36Atlético MG2 - 3JuventudeAbsent
November 23, 202423/11Série ARound 35Juventude1 - 1CuiabáAbsent
November 20, 202420/11Série ARound 34Grêmio2 - 2JuventudeAbsent
November 09, 202409/11Série ARound 33Juventude2 - 1BahiaAbsent
November 02, 202402/11Série ARound 32Juventude0 - 3FortalezaAbsent
October 26, 202426/10Série ARound 31Flamengo4 - 2JuventudeAbsent
October 20, 202420/10Série ARound 30Juventude3 - 5PalmeirasAbsent
October 05, 202405/10Série ARound 29Vasco da Gama1 - 1JuventudeAbsent
September 29, 202429/09Série ARound 28Juventude1 - 1RB BragantinoAbsent
September 21, 202421/09Série ARound 27Vitória1 - 0JuventudeAbsent
September 15, 202415/09Série ARound 26Juventude2 - 1FluminenseAbsent
September 11, 202411/09Copa do BrasilQuarter-finalsCorinthians3 - 1JuventudeAbsent
September 05, 202405/09Série ARound 16Cuiabá0 - 0JuventudeAbsent
September 01, 202401/09Série ARound 25Juventude1 - 3InternacionalAbsent
August 29, 202429/08Copa do BrasilQuarter-finalsJuventude2 - 1CorinthiansAbsent
August 24, 202424/08Série ARound 24Atlético GO2 - 1JuventudeAbsent
August 18, 202418/08Série ARound 23Athlético PR1 - 2JuventudeAbsent
August 14, 202414/08Série ARound 6Internacional2 - 1JuventudeAbsent
August 11, 202411/08Série ARound 22Juventude3 - 2BotafogoAbsent
August 07, 202407/08Copa do BrasilRound of 16Fluminense2 - 2JuventudeAbsent
August 04, 202404/08Série ARound 21Corinthians1 - 1JuventudeAbsent
August 01, 202401/08Copa do BrasilRound of 16Juventude3 - 2Fluminense45 MinutesYellow cards
July 27, 202427/07Série ARound 20Juventude1 - 2Criciúma54 Minutes
July 24, 202424/07Série ARound 19Cruzeiro2 - 0Juventude75 Minutes
July 21, 202421/07Série ARound 18Juventude0 - 0São Paulo90 MinutesYellow cards
July 16, 202416/07Série ARound 17Juventude1 - 1Atlético MG90 Minutes
July 13, 202413/07Copa do Brasil3rd roundJuventude1 - 1Internacional90 Minutes
July 10, 202410/07Copa do Brasil3rd roundInternacional1 - 2Juventude90 Minutes
July 07, 202407/07Série ARound 15Juventude3 - 0Grêmio90 Minutes
July 04, 202404/07Série ARound 14Bahia2 - 0Juventude77 Minutes
June 30, 202430/06Série ARound 13Fortaleza2 - 1Juventude90 Minutes
June 26, 202426/06Série ARound 12Juventude2 - 1Flamengo90 Minutes
June 23, 202423/06Série ARound 11Palmeiras3 - 1Juventude84 Minutes
June 19, 202419/06Série ARound 10Juventude2 - 0Vasco da Gama90 Minutes
June 15, 202415/06Série ARound 9RB Bragantino2 - 1Juventude90 Minutes
June 11, 202411/06Série ARound 8Juventude1 - 1Vitória90 MinutesYellow cards
June 05, 202405/06Série ARound 5Juventude1 - 0Atlético GO70 Minutes
June 01, 202401/06Série ARound 7Fluminense1 - 1JuventudeAbsent
April 28, 202428/04Série ARound 4Juventude1 - 1Athlético PR90 MinutesYellow cards
April 21, 202421/04Série ARound 3Botafogo5 - 1Juventude90 Minutes
April 17, 202417/04Série ARound 2Juventude2 - 0Corinthians90 MinutesYellow cards
April 13, 202413/04Série ARound 1Criciúma1 - 1Juventude72 MinutesYellow cards
April 06, 202406/04Campeonato GauchoFinalGrêmio3 - 1Juventude90 MinutesYellow cards
March 30, 202430/03Campeonato GauchoFinalJuventude0 - 0Grêmio90 Minutes
March 25, 202425/03Campeonato GauchoSemi-finalsInternacional1 - 15-6 s.oJuventude90 MinutesYellow cards
March 17, 202417/03Campeonato GauchoSemi-finalsJuventude0 - 0Internacional90 Minutes
March 13, 202413/03Copa do Brasil2nd roundJuventude3 - 1Paysandu66 MinutesYellow cards
March 09, 202409/03Campeonato GauchoQuarter-finalsBagé0 - 4Juventude63 MinutesYellow cards
March 02, 202402/03Campeonato GauchoRound 11Juventude1 - 2InternacionalOn the bench
February 27, 202427/02Copa do BrasilFirst roundIguatu0 - 0Juventude14 Minutes
February 24, 202424/02Campeonato GauchoRound 10GE Brasil1 - 0JuventudeOn the bench
February 19, 202419/02Campeonato GauchoRound 9Juventude1 - 1Caxias45 MinutesYellow cards
February 13, 202413/02Campeonato GauchoRound 8São Luiz1 - 1JuventudeAbsent
February 10, 202410/02Campeonato GauchoRound 7Novo Hamburgo1 - 1JuventudeAbsent
February 07, 202407/02Campeonato GauchoRound 6Juventude3 - 1Avenida70 Minutes
February 04, 202404/02Campeonato GauchoRound 5Juventude3 - 0Ypiranga RS74 Minutes
January 31, 202431/01Campeonato GauchoRound 4Grêmio1 - 0Juventude63 Minutes
January 27, 202427/01Campeonato GauchoRound 3São José RS1 - 0Juventude71 Minutes
January 24, 202424/01Campeonato GauchoRound 2Juventude4 - 0Bagé74 Minutes
January 20, 202420/01Campeonato GauchoRound 1Santa Cruz RS0 - 1Juventude69 Minutes
First XI
On the bench

Match ratings and personal notes

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Closest teammates

photo Jean Carlos Jean Carlos Compare 65 Games
photo Janderson Janderson Compare 37 Games
photo Erick Erick Compare 36 Games
photo Lucas Barbosa Lucas Barbosa Compare 33 Games
photo Guilherme  Castilho Guilherme Castilho Compare 31 Games

Most visited opponents

photo Caio Alexandre Caio Alexandre Compare 5 Games
photo Diogo Silva Diogo Silva Compare 5 Games
photo Tinga Tinga Compare 5 Games
photo Guilherme Romão Guilherme Romão Compare 5 Games
photo Villasanti Mathias Villasanti Compare 5 Games

Player's teammates

photo Peixoto
photo Ewerthon

Other players


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